Category Archives: Spending/Receiving Bitcoin

Day 9 – Assignment #2 – Creating A Blockchain Wallet

Day 9 – November 12, 2013                                                                                                                               BTC = $387

This is not my wallet, but I wish it was.

When I first looked at the Blockchain site, I almost immediately closed the browser tab. It looked so simple to me, but the kind of simple that seemed to warn, “You better know what you are doing if you are going to use this site!”

It took me a couple days, and the promise of delicious BTC being transferred to me, to start my Blockchain wallet. After a fairly short drop over the weekend, the value of BTC seemed to be climbing up again.

I wanted to get my hands on some as soon as possible.

Turns out, setting up an online wallet on Blockchain was like a bazillion times easier than on Coinbase. Who knew?

Creating an Account:

Screen shot 2013-12-20 at 8.46.48 PMStart a new wallet: They make it a little too easy here giving you two easily accessible buttons to click, both directing you to the new wallet set up. So, take the red pill or the blue pill, both the “Create My Free Wallet” and the “Start a New Wallet” button end up in the same place. How comforting.

That’s About It: Just fill in your email* and a password and capatcha — deciphering this sonofabitch can be the hardest part of all this — you get an email link to your shiny new wallet!

* If you want to stay a little anonymous, just for the mystery of it, get a “fake” BitMessageaccount and start the undercover party.

Once you log-in to your account, your BTC address is easily found (along with its lifemate, a matching QR code).

Like it says, this is your BTC address. So store it away, send it away and watch the BTC come rolling in (hopefully).
Like it says, this is your BTC address. So store it away, send it away and watch the BTC come rolling in (hopefully). Note: This is a DEMO address.

To Link Accounts or To Not Link (Bank) Accounts?

I chose to NOT link my bank account to this address — mostly in spirit of the game/experiment/just ’cause. My Coinbase account is already linked to my bank account so I don’t see the need. Personally, I’d rather just remain mysterious on Blockchain. Why? Because I can, I guess. But you can do whatever you want.

I get it, some of you are visual learners. Check out’s Demo Account with working links within the site to help you get a feel for the site’s user-friendliness and look.